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Window Gallery: Swampcillors

Window Installation: Alixx Davidson
Puppets created by youth at Street Culture Projects

October 23 – November 21, 2020

In lieu of this year’s music and arts festival, Swamp Fest, in partnership with Neutral Ground, is running a campaign for the Toxic Algae Blob (otherwise known as TAB) to be Mayor of Willow Island. Running parallel to Regina’s current municipal election, the politics of the Swamp Realm offer a mirror to that of the city’s, and an opportunity to reflect, to explore, and to critique.

In conjunction with TAB’s campaign, Swamp Fest hosted two workshops led by artists Kris Alvarez and Judy Wensel, who collaborated with youth from Street Culture Project to envision their ideal cities and representatives. These ideal figures were swampified into Swampcillors (Swamp Councillors) and then realized in puppet form.

This window is an ongoing exploration by Alixx Davidson (They/Them) as the Swamp Fest Arts Coordinator. Using bits and pieces of Swamp Fest projects past and present, as well as incorporating elements of their own practice as a multidisciplinary artist, it features the Swampcillors in an ever-changing swampy environment, examining the relationship between the human and Swamp realms.

Alixx Davidson is a Regina-based sculptor, printmaker and theatre artist. Their art focuses on themes of identity and mental health, aiming to physicalize internal experiences and translate the depths of the human psyche into a tangible form. Their process is centralized in intuitive exploration and informed by their experiences navigating the personal, societal and political realities of living with mental illness and addiction.

Follow T.A.B’s campaign:
Instagram + Facebook: @swampfestyqr