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Window Gallery: Faith Alone

Window Gallery:
Faith Alone 
Rey Tatad
May 27 – July 8| 2023
Reception: May 27 | 7 – 9 pm

Filipinos have always been and always be a people of faith. Religion has been indispensable in
the creation of a shared national ethos among Filipinos – themselves being a conglomerate of
ethnicities, tribes and spoken languages. The selection of drawings depict the integral nature of
religion not just as a social cohesive to the community but also as an institution itself. Its
influence transcends beyond just people’s lives into politics, society and culture. These drawings
aim to highlight the core aspects of Filipino society that have been chosen to preserve and
reinforce; contextualized in the multifaceted nature of religion.

Rey Tatad is a Saskatchewan-based artist who specializes in drawing using pencil crayons.
Tatad is a native of the Philippines and through his bi-cultural background, he explores the clash
between two cultures: of East and West that brings about an amalgamation of the two that is
further enriched by his personal experiences as an immigrant.

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