under the stairs she sleeps
Kim Dawn
November 26 – 30, 2002
Reception & Performance: Saturday, November 30, 7pm. Performance action daily: 12:00 – 1:00 pm
During her week-long residency at Neutral Ground, kim dawn will present her performance installation under the stairs she sleeps. This work is a continuation of her acclaimed piece where her tongue wept. The performance is an embodiment of purposely forgotten memory which explores notions of storing memory within the body. Using tea, molasses and other visceral materials to create her installations, dawn’s work overwhelms the senses of the viewer in an allusion to returning memory. Her performances are often long, repetitive, and physically challenging. dawn leaves residue as evidence of the endurance and passing of time her body has withstood. kim dawn is an interdisciplinary artist working in video, installation, performance, painting, drawing and writing. She completed her BFA at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design in 1996 and her MFA from the University of Western Ontario in 1998.