Saturday May 14, 2022, 5-9pm (CST)
Hosted at The Hampton Hub at 1221 15th Ave
Non-Member Tickets – $20
Member Tickets – $10
Support your local Artist-Run Centre by attending a Bingo Night Fundraiser and play to win phenomenal prizes from Saskatchewan businesses and cultural organizations. This event will be hosted at The Hampton Hub, a local restaurant specializing in vegan za! Reserve your seat to attend now as capacity for this special event is limited. Seat tickets are $10 for Members of Neutral Ground and $20 for non-Members. During the event, Bingo cards will be sold in-person by sliding scale donation. The more cards in play, the greater your chance of winning big, while also supporting Neutral Ground’s operations.
To take advantage of reduced pricing for Neutral Ground Members:
1. Contact Neutral Ground via phone: (306) 522-7166,
2. Visit the Gallery in-person at 1835 Scarth Street, or
3. Email [email protected] for coupon code.
Membership is another great way to support Neutral Ground, and if you are not already a current member we hope you will consider joining our Membership.
Thank you to the following Businesses & Organization for supporting this Fundraising Event:
The Hampton Hub
Briarpatch Magazine
Sâkêwêwak Artists’ Collective
Common Weal Community Arts
Jessups General Store
Vintage Vinyl
Gravitron Press
MacKenzie Art Gallery
City Street Farms
Pueblo Hot Sauce
Core Coffee
Buckthorne General Store
Seed Sustainable Style
Local Barre
O’Hanlon’s Irish Pub
Crave Kitchen + Bar
Silo Pulses and Grains
Happy Hi Coffee