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Campteurs d’Ombres

January 28 – March 3, 2012

Capteurs d’Ombres

Capteurs d’ombres is a sound and visual installation. In a completely dark space, several old drawers modified as light boxes are attached to the walls. The bottom part of the drawers have been replaced by a transparent plexiglass. Under the drawers there is a structure made of a network of plastic pipes and funnels. Objects including pieces of an obsolete typewriter, mechanical calculator, old phone, and knitting machine, are placed in the drawers. Series of lights in the plastic funnels go on and off following a programmed sequence, and project the shadows of the objects on the translucent upper part of the drawers. The shadows are changing with various rhythms depending of the variations of the lights sequences. The light variations create an illusion of movement as if the object were animated, in a similar way than in animated film. Inside one of the drawers, an object is connected to a motor and the sound it produces while moving, is captured by a contact-microphones and amplified into the room. Both the sound and the light coming form the drawer guide the viewer in the space where, after time, his perception of the space and his experience of the sound and images is altered.


Diane Morin was born in the Kamouraska region of Quebec and now lives and works in Montral. She has been creating installations since 1998, joining her work with kinetic art and new media. She obtained an M.F.A. in fine arts (studio art) from Concordia University in 2003. Her work has been exhibited at VU in Quebec City, in Meanderings (curated by Nicole Gingras) at DAMN and AXENO7 in Gatineau and in the Biennale nationale de sculpture contemporaine in Trois-Rivires. Her work has been the subject of solo exhibitions at Optica in Montreal and Mercer Union in Toronto and at Circa in Montreal in and at La chambre blanche in Quebec City, Whats Up Vienna! Whats Up Montreal! in 2011 and the recipient of the Victor-martyn-Lynch-Stauton award for outstanding achievement by a mid-career artist in media arts, Canada Council for the Arts.